Project management and digital asset management tools for a team of 150

The problem

UKRI, a public sector organisation, consisted of nine separate entities, each with their own communications teams, before 2019.

After the merge, no one tool was being used for the comms, planning and collaboration of 150+ colleagues. They needed some help to get better systems in place to make the most of their new set up.

The solution

Andreea worked with the stakeholders to identify what the issues were and what budgets were available, putting together the requirements, business cases, market researching best-in-class tools, evaluating and assisting throughout the procurement processes. 

Once procured, she then worked with all the different parties to migrate from the old tools (a deceptively simple sentence hiding much pain and data wrangling!) and configure, implement and roll out the new ones. All the while, the staff carried on without disruption or lost hours.

The results

The team are now able to collaborate across all the different parts of the business on forward planning up to a year in advance.

As a result, there’s a significant increase in efficiency, reduction in wasted time and effort and more seamless comms delivery.

Thanks to Andreea’s support, UKRI have some excellent, top-of-the-market project management and DAM* systems rolled out to help us collaborate more efficiently as a large Comms team.

She brought up every issue that we needed to think about so that we solved most problems and answered people’s worries, before they became serious.

I wouldn’t have picked the right systems for our needs or rolled them out in the best way for the team without her.
— Camilla Barnes, UKRI Senior Planning Manager, Communications

Website migration and unification

The problem

10 separate websites were being transitioned into one unified single site, as part of a major “reforming our business” project at UKRI. The Web Team was taxed keeping up with a large number of requests to be delivered to the rest of the organisation.

The solution

Andreea offered personal, tailored support during a period of rapid planning, change and team churn. Alleviating stress during this busy time, she worked with the teams to assess new planning tools and a ticketing system.

The results

The team went from managing fast-paced, heavy workload via email, to triaging requests using a ticketing system and forward planning using the planning tool. There was a noticeable increase in customer service quality, but the internal impact was massive.

The team could offer higher workload capacity with the same headcount, and within the wider business there was a much improved and consistent turnaround SLA (promised delivery time), as well as an instant self-service portal for frequently asked-for assets and information. 

Both tools have now been fully adopted as our day-to-day tools. One of Andreea’s major strengths is to reduce the stress of a busy team.
— Vanessa Gardner, UKRI Delivery Lead